Some types of Roses used in the Mystical & Healing Uses of the Rose Class:
⦿ The "Hello Rose" which enables a pleasant manner of sending a greeting
from yourself as spirit too another
⦿ Energy Cleansing Roses, whose purpose is to clean channels, chakras, etheric
organs etc. Specific roses are given the following names based on how
they are used: Bottle Washer Rose; Dust Cleaner Rose;
Magnetic Absorption Rose; Correspondence Rose.
⦿ "Separation Roses" which are used for separating two spaces and may be used
to set the boundary like defining the edge of the aura
⦿ "Recollection Rose" which may be used to retrieve one's energies that have
been sent off or left elsewhere.
⦿ "Grounding Rose" which basically provides a grounding in space which can
both provide a pathway to release non-essential energies to the center
of the plane and an external aid to support grounding
⦿ "Protection Rose" which is used to absorb or block external energy or cords
directed at another individual’s space.
⦿ A "Symbolic Rose" which is used to symbolize anything. Spiritual or healing
work performed on the Symbolic Rose shall be reflected on the object
that the rose has symbolized
⦿ "Minor Chakra Repair Rose" which is used to repair minor chakras
⦿ "Destination Rose"sets a destination in space and time
⦿ A "Symbolic Chackra Rose" which is specifically used for opening and
closing the major chakras
⦿ "Symbolic Healing Rose" which is a symbolic rose especially used for
symbolic healing
⦿ "Seniority Healing Rose” is used to perform a healing so that one is senior
in (master of) his or her own space
⦿ "Truth and Falsehood Roses" that enable one to examine the truth and
falsehood of something that is being presented
⦿ "Mock-Up Rose" which is a special rose used to manifest, in a higher
level way, something that is desired
⦿ "Law of Synchronicity Rose" which is used to invoke the Law of Synchronicity
⦿ "Karma Rose" which is used to assist in completing specific cycles of Karma
⦿ A special “Symbolic Rose” for symbolically representing a "Relationship
Space"; reading and healing can then be performed on the
"Relationship Space".
⦿ "Reading Rose" which is a symbolic rose used for clairvoyant readings.
The "Reading Rose" can represent a person, a relationship, an event,
or just about anything.
⦿ To perform past life readings and/or healings, one would use a "Symbolic
Rose" having Rings situated around a stem. A specific ring, representing
a past life, may be read, or a spiritual healing may be performed on the
ring itself.